A Simple Technique To Get More Things Done [+4 EXCLUSIVE tips]

Hint: it is not the last trendy productivity app.


2 min read

If you are like me, or like I was, you set goals and rarely achieve any.

You have the motivation and the ideas, but there is a wall when it goes to reaching what you want.

The thing is that hitting your head against a wall is not very pleasant.

I did it enough (virtually!) to know how it feels.

The super-simple system to get things done

Now I want to help you achieve your goals and feel fulfilled, so here is the practical system I used to organize my life and get things done (at least more often!).

  • Set your big goal
  • Break it down (milestones)
  • Set weekly goals
  • Review every week
  • Revise your goals (kindly)
  • Repeat

Points 3, 4, and 5. are where you want to focus on building your productivity system.

Tip 1: Start by choosing a limited number of weekly goals.

Not too much so you don't feel overwhelmed and start panicking and doing nothing. This can be tricky to find the right amount, but you will adjust over time.

Tip 2: Your goals should be a list of actionable items.

Specific things that you see how to do. Writing them down will help.

Tip 3: Write down your list and cross it off when you are done.

I use an outliner software (Dynalist) which makes this process fluid and fast.

Be careful, though. Once you try, you get addicted.

Tip 4: Set an accountability habit.

Write down your goals and review of last week and what you will change for next week, and send this to a friend or an accountability group.

Here is the template I use for that:

  • What I did this week
  • Results
  • What worked
  • What didn’t work
  • What I will change
  • What I will do this week
  • My biggest insights
  • Take-home messages of the week


Using systems and habits is essential to be more productive.

It doesn't have to be complicated. On the contrary, the simpler, the better.

Set the habit of writing down your weekly goals and reviewing your week. You will gain clarity on what matters and when you are drifting.

Get rid of the unimportant stuff you load yourself with. Refine your priorities over time.

Try that at home, and let me know how it works for you!

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